Sunday 12 January 2014

Not All information is Good information!

Not all information is good information. Yesterday I stumbled across a website that talked about lots and lots of the evil that was going on in this world. I didn't read a lot of it but I read enough for it to disturb my mind, the thing with my mind is that its quite sensitive. I learn and take in information by reading, its not that I'm some kind of genius that remembers everything that she reads but certain parts jump out at me and replay in my mind. So i read this and i tell you guys that most of the stuff i read kept replaying in my mind and i could not sleep. Because the information i read was negative it put me in an anxious/nervous state. So what did i do next??
I prayed.. lol i prayed for peace of mind. Seriously though this is not that first time this has happened, its like i don't learn my lesson but this time i think God allowed me to be a bit more disturbed for longer to teach me a lesson. I had to call my pastor and be like i read this that and this PLEASE, pray for peace of mind for me.

sighs funnily enough total peace of mind came upon me this afternoon. I know people may say negative things like "you have a weak mind, that's why it affected you the way it did". But that's not the point. I learnt from that and previous experiences that not all information is good for you at all.Some you should just stay away from! especially if you are susceptible. This entry is for my future reference in case I EVER feel like reading something stupid again, which will be NEVER!

I end with this

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

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